Monday, June 4, 2012

The Fighter

Whenever I'm doing ab work at the gym my trainer is constantly telling me one thing, "Keep your chin up."  It's kind of amazing how much harder it is to do a stinking sit up when your chin is up and not resting on your chest.   Life is kind of like a sit up.  It's so easy to get down and hide and let people get the best of you.  It's keeping your chin up that is hard.

 I was told the other day that someone said I was too immature to handle the things in my life and I was going to fall flat on my face.  I was really offended by that.  First off because who's more mature than me?  Duh!!  No one.  Secondly, how dare anyone say I'm going to fall.  Then as I thought about it I realized that they are probably right.  I don't believe it's a matter of immaturity.  I think it's a matter of growing.   People never stop growing and learning, right?  And in this process, we fall.  Some of us a lot of times.  It's how we learn.  It's how we get better.  It's how we figure out who's there for us and who isn't.  I'm very lucky to have a hand full of loyal friends and an amazing man in my life who may sometimes have to let me fall, but they always have a hand out to help me back up.

I'm not ashamed of falling.  I'm not ashamed of the mistakes I've made.  I've learned a lot of hard lessons.  Some of them two of three times before they sunk in.  Some of them still haven't.  But I'll get there eventually.  And all I can say right now is my chin is up and I'm not on the ground. That must say something about who I am becoming.


rebeldiamond said...

I love becoming who I am meant t be. it's not always fun, you tend to get knocked arund a bit... but it's so worth it!

rebeldiamond said...

also- i love this song.

FanStacia said...

Yeah. It's a great one. I love songs about getting back up and pushing forward.