Monday, October 15, 2012

Random Crap for Monday

Occasionally I say things and then think, "Wow!!  I can't believe that just came out of my mouth."  Unfortunately, it happens more often than I care to admit, but that's me.  I say random crap.   For example,  The other day I had Pats head in my lap while I did his normal grooming and said..."I love blackheads.  They're my favorite."  Yep.  I did.  And sadly, it's true. I really do love black heads.  It's a strange feeling of accomplishment that comes from popping out a giganticus black head and leaving a gaping empty pore.  I like it.  A lot.

Today, I have spent the ENTIRE day, no lie, sitting in front of my computer.  Swearing, crying, yelling at kids and dogs.  Why?  Because Google used to be awesome.  Now, it blows.  Hard core, big disgusting chunks.  It used to be so user friendly.  Now, in an attempt to keep up with facebook it has become stupid.  All I want to friggin' do is change my log in email.  That is all.  It shouldn't be this hard.  I shouldn't have to send a request to the other account, log out, log in with the other account, accept the request, log out, log in with the old acct, grant admin rights, then delete the old acct.  That's just to add an email.  THEN on top of that if you are adding a new acct you apparently are no longer given an option to have a blogger profile.  You have to use a google plus profile using your real name, putting you out to be searched and hacked and stalked on the internet.  I don't want to blog under my real name.  I like Stacia.  All I want to do is blog under Stacia with a recent email address not one that I haven't used since 2007.  So why can't Google accomodate me?  Because they're jerks that's why.  Anyway...after texting Layne, since she is a long time blogger, and helping her discover that she had a brain fart and wasn't really who she thinks she is, my only comment was..."Great.  We fixed you.  Now work on my problem so I can brush my friggin' teeth."

It is 4:09 in the afternoon.  I haven't brushed my teeth or hair yet all because I am obsessive and can't accept that a company as huge as Google can't figure out how to make their products more user friendly.  So, that is my random crap for Monday.  And if anybody knows of a better platform for blogs then Blogger, let me know.  Thank you and have a nice day.


rebeldiamond said...

I'm just so grateful you helped me figure out who I really am. It was starting to bug.

FanStacia said...

Hahahahaha...that's what friends are for. To remind us who we really are when we forget. :)