Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm officially old.

My sweet lil girl started high school a couple of weeks ago. I'm not gonna lie. I was a little sad about it.
In the movie Father of the Bride, at one point, Steve Martin's character is looking at his daughter and he didn't see her as a the grown up she was, he saw her as a child, in different stages of her childhood and was sad about it. That's what happened to me when she was climbing those stairs to the front door of the high school for the first time. She looked so small and fragile. She is neither of those things, but as she was walking, I saw my little kindergartener going into this huge school that I was afraid she wasn't ready for. The school she's going to is HUGE. I'm talking college campus huge. Had I taught her enough? Had I suffiently helped her build her self esteem? Will she remember to kick boys "where it counts" if they deserve it? Will she make friends and have someone to eat lunch with?
It was rough at first. She has her first class at 6:45. She's not a morning person. But I think things are going to be ok. She's a good girl and she's smart. She doesn't have a perfect mother, but she has a mom who thinks she's amazing, and knows that she can do anything she puts her mind to.

Here's a song that she loves and I hope it makes her smile.

I like it when she smiles.

1 comment:

FanStacia said...

Good luck Ash. You'll be great. I love you. You can wear my jeans whenever you want. :)