Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where Oh Where Has My Little Boy Gone?

It's hard to believe that 12 years ago I became a mother. It doesn't seem like it's been that long, and on the other hand, it feels like forever. But so it is, and I was lucky enough to be blessed with one of the greatest kids to ever grace this earth. My sweet Nathan Alexander. He's been such an angel. So smart and confident and driven. He watches everything I do and hears everything I say. He is my protector. Now, that isn't always a good thing because sometimes he hears and sees things that he probably shouldn't, but luckily for me he handles most of it with grace.

He loves his mom. Just yesterday he told me that on a scale of 1-10, I was a 13. He has brought me so much joy and happiness and proud moments. In his short time he has achieved so much. He is loved and adored by everyone who meets him. He is so personable and kind and loving. He is so helpful and does the things I ask without too much fuss. Now, if I could just get him to be nice to his sisters.

I love him so much. He is quick with a hug or a kind word for me. He never leaves without kissing his mom good bye. He doesn't even get too embarrassed when I make him do it in front of his friends. I know that he is destined for greatness and I'm going to be there cheering him along the entire way.

Happy Birthday my sweet Nathan. I love you with all my heart.

1 comment:

rebeldiamond said...

Happy birthday, Nathan!!!!!

He will make such a good son in law for me. Maybe we'll luck out and they'll build a house just for us right next to their pool. Na-Na can fix stuff when it breaks and Izzy will cook fir us. We will be fat and happy in our golden years.