Thursday, March 17, 2011

Because I love you. Part deux.

Don't ever feel like you aren't ok. You amaze me with your strength and integrity. I know that life is difficult. Sometimes we have people or situations in our lives that make us feel less than great. But you are fabulous. Really. Do not allow anyone to tell you any differently. Ever.

There are times that we make choices that are not the best for us, and then we hurt because of the consequences of said choices, but that's how we learn. I personally believe you can screw up as much as you need to, as long as you learn from your mistakes. Never look at your mistakes as failures, simply as growth opportunities. No one should condemn you for growing.

I know that we haven't had time to catch up lately, and I feel really out of the loop. That makes me sad because I have always been comforted by knowing that you are only a phone call away, and that the sound of your voice can make troubles seem less significant. It would break my heart if I didn't have our friendship to lean on in times of trouble.

You are an inspiration to me and I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. It makes me sad when you don't see your worth. You are one of my most favorite people in the whole world and I hate that we don't live closer. Please let's promise that no matter how busy we get, or how bad things suck that we will always be there, and we will not ever allow anything to ruin our friendship.

I love you.

1 comment:

FanStacia said...

Awwww...thanks my sweet friend. I'm better today. Yesterday was a done day. And only at the end of it. I'm sorry you feel out of the loop. I don't know if you can really consider it a loop. It's more of a line, but whatever. You know I'm smart enough to come running if things get back. A little depression I can handle with a latte. I love your face.