Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Want The Fairy Tale....

Words made famous by Julia Roberts. But what about us normal people? The average folk. The ones searching for the right person. The one who fills that void in your heart, who completes you and makes you whole again. Where's our fairy tale ending?

I think there comes a time in each persons life when they have to take a step back and instead of searching for happiness in someone else, find it in themselves. Make peace with mistakes we have made and get rid of the guilt. Guilt is probably one of the most toxic and debilitating emotions. It keeps us from moving forward. From being able to open ourselves up to another person. And it breeds fear. We begin to not trust ourselves and our feelings and our worth to receive love and kindness and friendship from another person.

I wish I knew the answer of how to rid ourselves of these emotions. Every one searches for peace in their own way. But you can't just sit stagnant and hope it gets better. You can't occupy your time with things and hope that it will just go away. It's work and it's hard as hell. But if you have people who are willing to help you and carry some of the weight when it's too much to bear, let them. You don't have to be alone.

As for me, I'll keep hoping for the fairy tale. My very own John Cusack holding a boom box over his head in the middle of my street.