Friday, March 4, 2011

This is How I'm Feeling- CLeO StYLe

Ever feel like you mean nothing? Like you're invisible? Like no one cares? Like every move you make is inconsequential? You try to reach out because you need a comforting word and you are just ignored?

Yeah... it sucks.

I'm having a hard time and no one to confide in. Everyone is too busy. Too preoccupied with their own stuff. I get that. I spent 40 plus hours last week alone studying for one 50 question exam. I'm not someone who likes to bother people with my own stuff. But sometimes you just need a shoulder. Or a kind word. Or someone to be proud of your accomplishments- however insignificant they seem.

I frankly, don't have time for this crap. But how do you cope when you have no one to lean on? What do you do when you're too tired to walk?

I'm hoping that the sun will shine tomorrow and wash it away. For now, I'm going to try and sleep.


FanStacia said...

I like Fran. He makes me give a fake little quarter smile today. Sorry, I'm not there for you Love. I'm tired. Couldn't carry another ounce if I wanted too.

samstown said...

I am sorry you feel like this. I try to check on you but a lot of times I fear that I will distract you.....You are not alone babe. There is a lot of people who love you. I love you.

Alicia Yvonne said...

I know it's been awhile since we've really talked, but being out on the road, I'm never too busy to talk to anyone :) I spend most of my day trying to entertain myself in and out of a hotel room. If you ever just need to vent, talk, whatever you can call me. I can carry however much you need me to.