Monday, November 8, 2010

Enjoy the moment...

I think that there are people out there that are just inherently happy. I'm not saying crappy things don't happen to them, I'm sure that they do. But instead of wallowing they rise above and make something good out of what happens.

I love Matt and Kim because happiness just flows from their music. If it's not your particular style, they can take a little getting used too. But it's well worth the time. My favorite line in this song is "No time for cameras we'll use our eyes instead. No time for cameras. We'll be gone when we're dead." I love that line. It gives me a new perspective on the lives going on around me. We're so busy trying to catch the shot that we forget to enjoy the moment. And before you know it, those moments will be gone.

And frankly, happy people are far more enjoyable to be around then mopey, sad, woe is me people. And happy people have no time for pointless arguments and revenge. They're too busy being happy. And cool. That is all.


rebeldiamond said...

me likey. I love happy peeps too.

FanStacia said...

Where the heck is Cumby, TX?