Sunday, November 21, 2010

For my Layners...

Whom I love and adore. And who is not at all bitchy or bossy or any other negative word imaginable. She is only kind and funny and smart and precocious and ferocious.

You know how you have certain friends that stay with you forever no matter what? Well, I have been blessed with two of those and the oldest and dearest is my dear Layney. She's always there for me, no matter what. She tries really hard to not judge me but that's really hard to do cause I can do some pretty stupid stuff. But I always know that she has my best interests at heart. Even if I'm not ready to listen. She knows when I'm having a hard time. We like to call it BFF intuition, but it's probably because I go underground and don't respond to anyone or anything. But she doesn't stop trying. She gets pissed that I don't answer my damn phone. But she never stops trying. She knows when I'm trying to sort things out in my head when I get that glazed look on my face. Then she rolls her eyes and says...just talk to me stupid. I can help you. Then I do, and she does. She'll lay in my bed and rub my hair and play music for me when I'm crying my eyes out in the middle of the night even though she's butt frickin' tired and has to catch a plane early the next morning. She makes me laugh. A lot.

This is how long we'll be friends...

Oh man...I'm funny...Here's your real song.

I love ya my sweet friend.

1 comment:

rebeldiamond said...

Why thank you kind frined. I love it. and I love you. tons and tons. Now please try and be good.