Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I just had too. Mands posted this on my facebook wall this morning to remind me of all the fun we had in Vegas. And all the fun we are about to have in about a week again. I couldn't resist sharing. I love Pink and Adam Lambert. And it's so friggin' awesome. Ima be listening to this bad boy on repeat all damn day. Hearing it gave me my first smile of the day. Granted I spent my morning getting shot in the eye with grapefruit juice and smearing slimy seeds all over a scooby doo chia pet.


Scott and Mandi said...

That's right babe!! It's gonna be bitchin'!!! Can't wait!!!I need me some help forgetting fake coatings!!! Loves!

FanStacia said...

Totally. Fake coatings are for sucks. Now, chocolate coatings, that's something I can get behind.